Being Comfortable In Your Own Skin

I have always been taught to be comfortable in my own skin. To be confident with who

this made me laugh 

I am. Sticks and Stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. For that, I am more than thankful to my parents for instilling this positivity into my life. Not to say I have never been bullied or had my feelings hurt, but LOVING MYSELF and remembering that only MY opinion of myself matters has gotten me through it all.

I’ve been made fun of for my acne in the 5th grade, and my name in kindergarten. “LOOK IT’S THE GINGER BREAD MAN! RUN ” (no joke) I remember being sad, but still, always stayed positive. (My parents originally wanted to call me Gidget… Thanks mom and dad for deciding against it haha)

not even sure of the original context of this picture

However, on a very honest and open note, I have always been told I am beautiful (I never second guessed it), and even though I may have my own small insecurities, there is one in-particular that i have never had a problem with until yesterday: the mole on my face.

I knew it was there, I knew people saw it, and I have even been told by one or two people that i should WANT to get it removed. This always just made me laugh, and my instinctual answer has always been “It is a part of me, it makes me who I am and I like it!” I never thought twice about it.

Yesterday I had a dermatologist appointment for a keloid scar and i was also approved to get two moles removed. Her exact words were “Any two moles. Just pick two!” For some reason, this made me think about the mole on my face. Never before did I want to get it removed. Or maybe I just didn’t think it was an option?

Love-the-skin-your-in1I mean, I originally went in to just make sure none of my moles were cancerous… There was no intention of even getting anything removed.

I will say, that even with a mole on my face, the Austin Powers “MOL-E MOL-E MOLE” scene always made me laugh hahaha mole

So here I am sharing this story with you because I don’t know what I will do. I have one month to decide. No one else can make the decision for me. Is anyone telling me I should get rid of it? No. But is anyone telling me “hey sexy mole” hahah NO! So now I am going through this weird phase…

beautyIf I get rid of it, is this now going back on my “be comfortable in your own skin” statement I always preach? OR will it actually make others more comfortable to look into my eyes?  etc. etc. etc… thoughts keep running through my head.

Like I said, no one has ever SHOWED signs of being uncomfortable or being distracted by it. I have been lucky to be around polite people.


I am just in a boggled mind state of.. WHAT DO I DO?

I will make a decision. And I will share my story because I think we ALL have a mole (figuratively speaking of course).

We ALL have something about ourselves that we have chosen to accept. That we have chosen to love about ourselves even if it is a flaw. And we USUALLY have the power to change it..

I have now been given this power… What will I do with it? Not sure yet… But I will keep you updated 😉

love you even though I don’t know you,

Ginger aka GSnaps

TODAYS QUOTE: February 23, 2016

“Only the heart knows how to find what is precious.” – Fyodor Dostoyevsky


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