Why Do We Run Away?

running awayNot to say that i, myself, have never “ran away” from a problem, but WHY do we do it?

Big OR small?

What is it that causes us to say: you know what? “F*ck it, i’d rather ignore the problem than deal with it”

Sometimes it is a BIG DEAL and breaks up relationships and families. Other times it can mess up a business partnership or friendship.

Or we even run away from dealing with personal issues like cleaning the house, calling the cable company, or getting the oil changed. We tend to ignore it or postpone it. (Running away from our responsibilities)

Recently, as you may have read, a photographer bailed on me at a photoshoot. Did i tell the world about it? Ya. Yes i did. Snapchat Instagram Facebook AND on this here blog. Did i talk SH*T? Not in MY opinion. Did I include his name? Nope! So why oh why has he ran away from facing me? No apologies, no explanations, and i know for a fact he is alive and well.

I like to give people the benefit of the doubt, and am becoming more patient every day. I gave it about a week and reached out one more time. Response? NONE. NADA. ZILCH. ZERO!

So weird! So why has he ran? Ran away from the conversation? Why not message me back? It could be: “Hey I’m so sorry I lost my phone and have been going through tough times” or even: “You know i just don’t like you please lose my number” haha. Harsh, but not running away from the problem.

In my short life so far i have noticed that people tend to run away from CONFRONTATION. Maybe because we cherish our relationships so much we would rather walk away than burn a bridge? Put it in our past rather than mess something up?

I’ve heard more “We grew apart” explanations than “I was rude and yelled a lot”.

Lets be honest! We are “FLAWED!” haha jokes from my last post….Correction: We are all different. We all believe in different things. And we ALL butt heads from time to time. What I believe though, is that there is a world where we can stop running away. It is a scary thought; because it forces us to face our fears our demons and our loved ones. We may also possibly have to deal with tough conversations.

Again, I don’t have the answers… just pondering… and over analyzing life. Feel free to share your opinions and experiences with “running away”.


Love you even though I don’t know you,

Ginger aka GSnaps 🙂

(I love that this month is about AUTHENTICITY Im always working on being just that: Authentic. This post is a perfect example of people being afraid .. by running away… of being their authentic self)

March 9 – “When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy.” – Rumi


2 thoughts on “Why Do We Run Away?

  1. jimidragon says:

    A lot of times, running away from our problems is fear. Fear of the consequences, good or bad. Sometimes a good result will lead to more responsibility and greater expectations, and that can make people run for the hills.

    Love you right back!


  2. Greg Brown says:

    To me Ginger ‘taking a pass – or – not deciding ‘ IS a decision. However, should that be your decision, you usually have less options in the future. Luv u too and you don’t know me! -G


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